Sunday, March 27, 2011

Party Weekend II

Another party weekend!

Saturday evening we celebrated my Grandpa's birthday...

Anyone remember this photo?

Hard to believe, but this was taken exactly one year ago, at Audrey's second birthday. 
Today we celebrated Audrey's third birthday!  She had a princess party and all the little girls were invited to wear their princess dresses.  Avery discovered a large basket full of balls as soon as we walked in the door, and was happy as a clam for the next 3 hours.

She enjoyed her party favor sunglasses on the way home for a few minutes before crashing out...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Party Weekend

We are still catching up on sleep from our action-packed weekend!

Friday night we joined my Mom and brothers for an Italian dinner at my Grandparents' house.  On the way inside, we stopped to pet the neighbor dog, Emma Zen.  Emma is very well-trained and was commanded by her owner to lie on her side after startling Avery with a big slobbery kiss.  (Emma is a model and spokesdog and is pretty famous in the dog world.  She even has her own agent!  Learn all about Emma by clicking HERE). 

The next day we attended a "picnic" with some of Josh's UCI classmates.  It was sprinkling outside so the picnic got moved indoors.  It was at a beautiful clubhouse overlooking a swimming pool and the Back Bay at Newport (so I wasn't complaining). Kids were invited but when we arrived we realized Avery was the only kid there. Fortunately she was a trooper and was content with eating cookies, holding ping pong balls, running in circles, and getting loads of attention.

Later that evening we attended a St. Patrick's Day party in Dana Point, hosted by the Grandparents of my brother Aaron's girlfriend Becky. They have a really neat house with an ocean view, and we enjoyed mountains of delicious food and a professional magic show.  Once again, Avery was a very good girl, and was showered with attention from strangers.

She was totally captivated by 6 month old baby A.J.:

On Sunday we went to a book reading at my Mom's next door neighbors' house,  Stephen & Jenn Lewis.  They are both very talented artists (Steve did our wedding video).  Jenn just finished illustrating a children's book called "Valentine the Porcupine Dances Funny." Click HERE to see the publisher's website, and watch a video that Steve put together of Jenn working on the illustrations.

Unfortunately, Avery was the youngest one there and preferred to shout and yammer loudly rather than listen to the story being told.

And despite the fact that we had her tethered, she also thought it would be a great idea to steal the spotlight and talk at full volume to the audience from center stage while the story was being read aloud by the author.

Grandma unsuccessfully trying to reel her back in:

But all in all, a very fun weekend.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Terrible Twos: A Sneak Preview

The cute ponytail I put in her hair yesterday:

Avery ripping out the ponytail moments later:

Brushing her teeth (if you try to help her or brush her teeth for her, she has a full-blown meltdown):

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Worst. Doctor's. Appointment. Ever.

Ugh... what a morning.  No pictures this time, and trust me, you don't want them.  Avery had her 15-month checkup today and only got one vaccine, so I figured it would be an easy-breezy, in-and-out appointment. And it WOULD have been, except that as soon as we got past the fun toys in the waiting room and I set her down on the crinkly paper in the exam room, she began to scream and cry like she was being tortured.
And the doctor wasn't even in the room yet.

I guess she has finally made the connection between the crinkly paper and being undressed, poked, prodded, and pricked with needles. I tried to comfort her after the nurse measured her (weight: 22 lbs 10 oz, height: 31.5", head: 48.25 cm) and listened to her heart (which Avery apparently thought was the equivalent of having her skin ripped off and salt poured into the wounds. And I do have to admit, it was kind of funny watching Avery wave "bye-bye" to the nurse the whole time the nurse was in the room. She wanted her to leave and was not hesitating to let her know it!)

Once the nurse finally did leave, I sat Avery on my lap with her back against me, and was letting her pick freeze-dried yogurt puffs out of a baggy in my hand.  The next thing I knew, I felt something wet on my hand and realized she was drooling on me. So I leaned around to look at her to see what was happening, and OH MY GOD SHE'S CHOKING. Bright red face, no sound coming out, the works.  Thank God for all my lifeguard training, and my own horrible memory of choking on a peppermint when I was a kid. Before I even knew what I was doing, I had her upside-down and was giving her back blows.  And out came a puddle of spit-up and all six puffs that she had tried to cram in her mouth. 

I managed to clear her airway and clean the floor, myself, and her face just in time for the doctor to stroll in. 

The good news is, the doctor gave her a glowing report. She is hitting all her milestones right on track, and he was very impressed with her vocabulary (I told him she says over 40 words, but he had to just trust me because she certainly was not going to talk to someone who just looked in her ears and mouth while I held her arms down. Oh, the screaming).

The doctor left and the nurse came back in for the one quick vaccine (cue more screaming, snot and tears), and then I dressed her as fast as I could and bolted out the door like a bat out of hell.  The minute we were outside, she started pointing at things and cooing soft words like she usually does. It was like taking Tyson to the vet; as soon as he gets home and steps out of the carrier he transforms from a nightmarish Tazmanian Devil back into a normal cat.

End scene.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sienna's Party

Today we attended a 1st birthday party for our good friends' beautiful daughter, Sienna.

There were a lot of kids there, but also a lot of new toys to play with.  Avery was overwhelmed at first but quickly warmed up and joined in the fun.

She even made a new friend by the pool... and they greeted each other with a 
"Quack quack!"

Exhausted from her fun day!
(She was eating some Cheerios from the cup holder and passed out mid-reach). 

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Avery has become a little bit of a girly-girl in the past few weeks.  In addition to loving hats, she now loves purses, shoes, and beads.  And "hat," "bow," "shoes," "boots," "purse" and "beads" are all words in her vocabulary (which I have given up trying to track, because after I started the vocabulary list, it started growing so rapidly that I could not keep up.  She says at least 40 words now, and adds new words almost every day).

She loves to bring me various shoes/socks/boots from her closet and will ask me to help her put them on (for example, she will sit down on the floor and lay the boots on top of her feet, and say, "boo?")

A tutu and banana slippers - clearly the best outfit to help daddy fix the sink.