Saturday, March 5, 2011


Avery has become a little bit of a girly-girl in the past few weeks.  In addition to loving hats, she now loves purses, shoes, and beads.  And "hat," "bow," "shoes," "boots," "purse" and "beads" are all words in her vocabulary (which I have given up trying to track, because after I started the vocabulary list, it started growing so rapidly that I could not keep up.  She says at least 40 words now, and adds new words almost every day).

She loves to bring me various shoes/socks/boots from her closet and will ask me to help her put them on (for example, she will sit down on the floor and lay the boots on top of her feet, and say, "boo?")

A tutu and banana slippers - clearly the best outfit to help daddy fix the sink.

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