Monday, March 21, 2011

Party Weekend

We are still catching up on sleep from our action-packed weekend!

Friday night we joined my Mom and brothers for an Italian dinner at my Grandparents' house.  On the way inside, we stopped to pet the neighbor dog, Emma Zen.  Emma is very well-trained and was commanded by her owner to lie on her side after startling Avery with a big slobbery kiss.  (Emma is a model and spokesdog and is pretty famous in the dog world.  She even has her own agent!  Learn all about Emma by clicking HERE). 

The next day we attended a "picnic" with some of Josh's UCI classmates.  It was sprinkling outside so the picnic got moved indoors.  It was at a beautiful clubhouse overlooking a swimming pool and the Back Bay at Newport (so I wasn't complaining). Kids were invited but when we arrived we realized Avery was the only kid there. Fortunately she was a trooper and was content with eating cookies, holding ping pong balls, running in circles, and getting loads of attention.

Later that evening we attended a St. Patrick's Day party in Dana Point, hosted by the Grandparents of my brother Aaron's girlfriend Becky. They have a really neat house with an ocean view, and we enjoyed mountains of delicious food and a professional magic show.  Once again, Avery was a very good girl, and was showered with attention from strangers.

She was totally captivated by 6 month old baby A.J.:

On Sunday we went to a book reading at my Mom's next door neighbors' house,  Stephen & Jenn Lewis.  They are both very talented artists (Steve did our wedding video).  Jenn just finished illustrating a children's book called "Valentine the Porcupine Dances Funny." Click HERE to see the publisher's website, and watch a video that Steve put together of Jenn working on the illustrations.

Unfortunately, Avery was the youngest one there and preferred to shout and yammer loudly rather than listen to the story being told.

And despite the fact that we had her tethered, she also thought it would be a great idea to steal the spotlight and talk at full volume to the audience from center stage while the story was being read aloud by the author.

Grandma unsuccessfully trying to reel her back in:

But all in all, a very fun weekend.

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