Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Tent

Alright time for something fun to cleanse the palate... 

This morning I ran some errands while Josh took Avery to the park, and I picked up this cute tent on sale at Kohls. I thought it would be a good indoor play alternative for Avery when it is too cold or dark to go outside. Lately she has been wanting us to build pillow forts around her on the couch, so I thought she would be at just the right stage to enjoy it.

Notice the well-behaved children sitting peacefully inside their tents in the pictures on the box.  Well, not my kid. As soon as we had it set up, Avery stood up inside of it and screamed because she was not able to rip off the roof of the tent like the Hulk.

So I put a bunch of blankets in there to encourage her to sit or lie down.

She countered my suggestion by pushing all the blankets out of the tent one at a time.

So I tried to show her the tunnel instead, but she was disppointed because she thought it was a slide and wanted to go through it feet-first.

But eventually she got the idea...

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