Friday, June 3, 2011

Uncle Aaron's First Diaper Change: Addendum

I received a reader request to post an addendum to my last blog entry. I had mentioned in my last post that we thought Aaron's texts about the diaper mishaps were a joke. The main reason behind us assuming it was a prank was a photo album that we received as a gift upon returning home from a trip a few years ago.

Josh and I had gone to Vegas for the weekend, and had asked my brothers to take care of our cats.  We hadn't owned the cats for very long, so I had written up a detailed list of specific instructions on how to care for them, where they were/were not allowed to be, etc. (i.e. "The cats can play in the garage, as long as the main garage door is not open and they cannot get outside. Make sure you let them back into the house before you leave"). We came home to find a perfectly clean house, with two happy cats inside, and a small book entitled "Thanks for the Fun Weekend!," containing the following photos in this order (you can click on any photo to open it in a larger window):

Of course, none of this actually happened... The cats were never in the garage when the door was open, there was never beer in their water bowl, there was never vomit in the toilet, a stain on the couch, porn on our TV or a police officer at our door. And of course the dryer did not catch fire.  Aaron is a master of Photoshop.... But what a great gift! Four years later we are still laughing about it.

I couldn't wait to come home last weekend to find a "diaper disaster" photo album... But no such luck.  The boy who cried wolf was not kidding this time... 

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