Sunday, October 9, 2011

Long Day!

Avery and I started out our day very early this morning - we were out of the house at 6:45 am for the 2011 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K at South Coast Plaza.

Avery even walked part of it by herself! (With her babydoll, of course)

We were back at home shortly after 10:00, and both of us took good naps!

At 2:30 we were off and running again for a birthday party at Irvine Park.  When we pulled into the parking lot and Avery saw the bouncer, she said, "Jumping! Alllllright!"

Then came the best surprise of all... A PONY RIDE!  Avery seemed excited about the prospect of riding on a pony, but I wasn't sure if it would last through the wait in line.  I had a vision of her totally panicking and backing out at the last second when her turn came.

But she proved me wrong! We made it to the front of the line,
and up into the saddle she went.

The whole time, she repeated, "Pony! Avery's turn!.....Pony! Avery's turn!"

When we arrived back home for dinner, I told Josh we should get wind her down and get her to sleep early since we had such a long day today.
After he gave her a bath, I found this going on in her room:

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