Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We took Avery out for a visit to a local pumpkin patch today. When we were pulling into the parking lot, she saw the three big bouncers and started screaming "JUMPING!"
So we let her jump for a little while before attempting to make her pose for a Fall photo shoot with the pumpkins, which I will admit was my primary intention in bringing her there.

Unfortunately, the jumper photos turned out to be the best photos I got. 
Once we put her shoes back on and directed her to the pumpkins, she wandered aimlessly, refused to smile, threw a tantrum, and was distracted by the "petting zoo" (which was 2 goats and 2 chicks. Hardly a "zoo"! But she liked it anyway).

I was a little disappointed at not getting my perfect pumpkin picture, but she would turn off the smiles anytime we dared to remove her from the jumper.

Naturally, as soon as we pulled out of the lot, she started singing "Hey Jude" and flashing me big toothy grins. Just to spite me, I know it.

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