Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Avery!

After work this evening Avery and I met Gammy and Uncle Aaron at the Irvine Park Railroad for Fairmont's annual Christmas Celebration.  Avery got to wear her new birthday present from Mommy - this coat - because it was VERY cold outside!
(And Mommy is still a little bitter that this coat didn't come in Mommy's size).

First we got in line to ride the train,
which circled through Christmas lights to the "North Pole."

Next, of course, the jumper.

Followed by some fun pictures, chocolate chip cookies,
and waving to other kids as they passed by on the train.

It would even "snow" when the train would pass by!
(It didn't turn out in the pictures, but it was very pretty).

Happy 2nd Birthday to the brightest, sweetest, most amazing 2-year-old I know!
Hugs and kisses sweet Avery!

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