Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa's Visit 2011

We had a trip to see Santa this morning that I know Avery will be talking about for a LONG time!

After dance class we headed up to Villa Park to catch Santa on his route through town.  Avery has been watching the video of her visit with Santa from last year, and I have been talking to her about sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what she wants for Christmas because he will bring presents.  Even though I don't think she entirely grasps the concept, she at least knew enough to prevent her from crying when it was her turn in line.
(And that was my goal).

The sun was super bright, so we didn't get the best picture, but I do love this one:

She was so shy with Santa that she froze in this position with her head down for most of the time on his lap, and didn't speak a single word.  I bent down next to her and encouraged her to tell Santa some of the things she wanted for Christmas (which we had talked about at home), but she sat there in complete silence. 

So I let Santa know that she really wants a bike, and a helmet.

After she got her candy cane, we walked over to look at the firetrucks that came with Santa...

And this lucky girl got to sit inside!

The fireman on the left was a little concerned about Avery touching the computer and signaling a call. The fireman on the right said, "Nah, I doubt she'd be able to figure out how to send a call."  I turned and said, "You underestimate her..."

Lately when we get home in the evenings, Avery jumps right back into the car so she can take a turn in the driver's seat. She will sit there as long as I will allow, tugging on the steering wheel and messing with the air conditioning dials, hazard lights, and windshield wiper controls.  If I try to interfere with "Avery's turn," she sternly instructs me to close the door.

When I told her it was time to get down from the firetruck to allow some other kids to have a turn, she pushed me away and snapped, "Close the door!"

Santa's watching you, Missy!

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