Sunday, March 25, 2012

Big Girl Dance Class

Avery had her first "big girl" dance class today.
She has graduated from "Tots & Tutus" into "2 Year Old Ballet & Tap."  

In addition to tap dancing, the major difference between this class and her old class is that the parents no longer participate. One parent per child is allowed sit in the room against the mirror, but most of the moms sit outside in the lobby and let the kids do the class on their own.  It is actually better, as it is quieter and makes it easier for them to focus on the teacher without the distraction of so many extra people in the room.

I decided to sit inside today, just to help her make the transition. But by the end I decided that my presence did more harm than good, so next week I am kicking the little bird out of the nest and she will have to fly solo while I relax and read magazines in the lobby.

Things started out pretty well. Although Miss Kate was a new teacher for Avery, the stretching routine was the same as always, so the class felt familiar to her.

But somewhere around the halfway mark, Avery grew a pair of red horns and completely stopped listening. She was over in my lap every two minutes, whining for milk, wanting to take pictures with my camera, and telling me "no" when I hissed at her to go back over with the girls and listen to Miss Kate. 

Avery was the big fish in the little pond in her "tots" class, but now she is the little fish in the big pond.  She went from being the best dancer in the class to being the worst listener. She was definitely the black sheep today, and spent a good portion of the class in a corner fiddling with something on the floor or admiring herself in the mirror.


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