Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Manicure, a Baby Shower and a Potty Chart

A quick sprinkling of our life over the past couple weeks...

Avery's first mani (by Mommy)

And first pedi (by Daddy):

Josh's father's day present from Avery and me - a mini father/daughter
photo session with Richelle Dante
(more pictures to follow soon after she is done editing them):

Uncle Aaron and Auntie Becky's baby shower for Avery's little cousin,
due to arrive next month:

And best of all - due in large part to Lizzy's efforts (who started potty training Avery on Monday), we are currently on day three with no accidents!  I made this chart yesterday to try to make the whole idea more fun for Avery. I guess you could say it's working, as she seems to be catching on quickly. But I have to admit that I do NOT enjoy anything about this process. The stress of leaving the house with the prospect of her ruining her outfit, creating a huge mess in a store or in my car, and having to haul a bunch of supplies in anticipation of a major clean-up is VERY stressful and honestly I would rather just change diapers. But she's got to start school sometime (preferably by this fall when the baby comes), so we needed to get this show on the road.  And she really is doing great, so I can't complain!

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