Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dance Recital

I found out there's a reason the dance recital information sheet instructed us to be 30 minutes early.  Of course I found this out when we were NOT early at all, and arrived in a total panic only to realize that we didn't need to do anything except find some seats and sit down. The reason they tell the parents to be early is because they know you have a toddler and getting ANYWHERE early is virtually impossible, so they tell you to be 30 minutes early so that you will simply be ON TIME. And their sneaky little ploy worked out perfectly, since this morning I was up against a defiant young lady who refused to brush her teeth, and ripped off her dance costume about 30 seconds before we went out the door.

She was good through most of the dance numbers considering her group was second to last on the program. (Nevermind the part where she unraveled the hem of her tutu shortly before her turn on stage, and I was forced to cut off a giant piece of satin trim with a box cutter). She even danced in the aisles... (which, unfortunately -spoiler alert - is where most of her dancing occurred today). 

Of course when it was her turn to perform, that was a different story. The parents wanted a group photo of the class standing together backstage and they all obliged adorably:

All except one, that is:

And the rest is history...

(If you watch closely, you will see Avery scolding the instructor at about the 27 second mark for wearing her tennis shoes and not her tap shoes like everyone else).

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