Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Josh's parents ("Boompa" & Sheila) came out for a visit this week.  Avery had such a great time with them and was very spoiled! 

They went to the park...

They rode bikes...

They visited the zoo...

And even the aquarium...

They also took a few trips to Target for some new cups, sunglasses, videos and Dora band-aids...

And of course did not miss Sunday dance class!


Josh and I jetted off to Cabo San Lucas for our first (and last vacation) in a very long time! (Which I will admit was a little bittersweet for me. Up until this point, I was the only person on the planet who had seen Avery in person every single day of her life).

But it was everything we hoped for....And just what we needed.
Swim up bars, warm temps, ocean breezes, fireworks at night, as much sleep as we wanted...
(Below is the view from our balcony)

And one very beautiful wedding.

Congrats Auntie Jennifer!

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