Sunday, September 9, 2012

Preschool, Week 1

I was so pleased that Avery got glowing reports after her first day of school on Tuesday. She had eaten all the food that the school served (which I was anticipating she would not do and had packed her a backup lunch just in case), she had gone right down for a nap on her cot at naptime, and had slept the entire two hours.

Miss Wendy sent me this photo mid-morning of Avery and her classmate eating snack together:

She came home wearing a fruit loop necklace that she had made at craft time.  Miss Wendy said that all the other kids were eating their necklaces, but Avery had decided to keep hers intact because she wanted to "show Mommy." Awww!

On Wednesday, I encountered a much different scenario at pickup time. Avery was in tears when I got there, and was sitting on the lap of one of the teachers, who was reading her a story and trying to calm her. I immediately assumed she had gotten hurt.  She ran to me when she saw me and clung to me, crying even more.  I rapid-fired questions at her, such as "Are you hurt?" "What's wrong?" and "Show me where your boo-boo is."  She said she didn't have a boo-boo so it was confusing and unsettling. But based on what the teachers could gather, and what we were able to get out of Avery later in the evening ("I wanted Mommy"), we think that she saw the other parents picking up their kids and she didn't see me, and thought I wasn't coming back for her. So basically I felt like the worst mom ever, and bolted out of work early on Thursday to make sure she was amongst the first few kids to go home.

But she had done fine on Thursday, and on Friday I got this photo along with the following message from Miss Wendy: "Avery is so talkative and so smart!" 

Turns out Avery hadn't talked much all week. But on Friday she came out of her shell. Josh had an off site meeting and was able to pick her up early, and discovered when he arrived that Miss Wendy now knows all about Gammy's house, and our kitties at home.  So we were so glad to know that she is finally getting comfortable enough at school to start conversations.  When I told her tonight that we were going to school tomorrow, she lit up with excitement and asked about Miss Wendy. So it seems that finally we can breathe a little easier.

And on the topic of conversation, here are some other awesome conversations we have had with Avery this week:

(After hitting her head on the bathroom door and starting to cry)
Kristen: Here Avery, watch your Katy Perry video. That will make you feel better.
Avery: [stops crying and stares at me inquisitively] No Mom, Katy Perry won't make me feel better. She's not a doctor. She's a singer.
(Touche.  I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard. Why yes, Avery, yes. Yes she is).


(After telling Josh that he couldn't come in her room because it was not HIS room)
Josh: Avery, why are you being so mean?
Kristen: Avery, that's not nice. Why are you being so mean to daddy?
Avery: Because I'm being mean to him.


(After Josh came in her room when she didn't want him in there)
Avery: Daddy, you need to give me dollars.
Josh: Why?
Avery: You need to give me four dollars to come in my room.
Josh: (laughs)
Kristen: She is totally your kid.
Josh: Well.... I kind of like her thinking.


(Bursting into our room at 6:00 am on Saturday when we were sound asleep after discovering that she had two water-filled sippy cups on her nightstand, instead of just one like usual)
Avery: MOMMY! There are SIX waters in my room! Get them out!
Kristen: What honey? Six what? Waters?
Avery: YES. I have six waters in my room. Can you get them out?
Josh: Avery, there are two waters in your room. You are so dramatic.

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