Friday, September 28, 2012

What a Week!

Where to begin... 

How about Monday, when we finally got the key to our new house!

Later that day I got a text message from Miss Wendy telling me that Avery threw up at school. When I picked her up, she appeared to be fine and was not running a fever. She was smiling and in good spirits so Miss Wendy and I concluded it must have been something she ate and I put her in the car to head for our new house to unload the first round of boxes.

When we were almost there and on one of the busiest streets in Orange, she projectile vomited quesadilla all over my car.  And then again. And then again. And then coughed so that it sprayed up on the steering wheel and into my hair. And then started screaming.

Cut to Tuesday, when I stayed home with her to give her a day to recover. She seemed to be doing better until she woke up crying during her nap, and as I picked her up she puked all down the back of my hair, my shirt, my legs, and my feet. And the carpet. I stood there in total frozen horror in the doorway of her room until I decided what to do, which was to strip both of us naked and to put her into the tub where she could play while I cleaned the floor. Of course what that really boiled down to was her screaming in the tub and crying "I want my Daddy" while I scrubbed with my giant belly, on my hands and knees, covered in puke, so that we would be able to get back into her room to get her dressed.  

Wednesday I kept her home again, but she was better. I however, was not. By mid-afternoon I had a full-blown panic attack/meltdown over how many things are on my plate right now. Between moving and feeling physically incapable (which is stressful enough by itself), having a toddler with the stomach flu (which is stressful enough by itself), and a full-time job that I had missed for two days, which I can't really afford since I will shortly be going out for 10 weeks and I have a lot to get done before then (which is stressful enough by itself), I am also going to be giving birth in 2 weeks and will have a newborn to take care of. 
I was inconsolable.

But that evening Josh stayed with Avery so I got a break, and my mom met me at the new house to help me scrub the (unbelievably filthy) kitchen. Although we didn't get done, we made some good progress, and it was enough to lift my spirits, at least for now.

On top of everything we have going on, we have gotten very ambitious on getting the construction underway at the new house. (Yes, I think it is clear that we are completely insane). So although the house was "livable" when we bought it, it now looks more like this:

This is a lot for a child to comprehend, so naturally Avery isn't too thrilled about her "new room," which we keep promising her will soon be pink and pretty. 
I don't think she's too convinced.

I am excited to be able to post pictures as construction progresses.  In the meantime, we will be moving in this weekend and staying our first night on Sunday.  And camping out in the living room. And about 11 days later, we will have a baby camping out with us. 
It's going to be a wild ride!

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