Friday, October 5, 2012

Things are about to get Crazy

Since I have a feeling life is about to get even more crazy than it already is, I thought I would squeeze in a blog post just in case I don't get another chance before the baby comes. I am scheduled for induction on Thursday morning, but at the rate things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if this little guy showed up early.

For now, I have had several requests for a look at our "campsite," which (believe it or not) is 1000 times more organized than it was last week. 

The Dining Room, which right now is Avery's room:

Living Room:


Family Room, i.e. Master Bedroom/Baby's room:

My pile of cleaning supplies that I use to frantically try to preserve my sanity 
(which is not working):

All the things in the garage that we have yet to unpack:

And last but not least, our beautiful front yard:

Our living conditions look decent in the photos, but imagine that the floor is filthy and everything is covered in a layer of construction dust and grime. Because it is. It is incredibly stressful to think of bringing a newborn home to that environment, but I'm trying to be positive and adventurous. I'm hoping that in a couple more months we will be all settled in upstairs and we can look back on these photos and laugh. Or something...

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