Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hit Me Baby One More Time

I had several titles for this post, but I thought this one was appropriate because Avery has been listening to that Britney Spears song over and over and sings it constantly. And today is the last day that I will ever get to feel the internal kicks and punches of a baby.  So I guess it's pretty fitting.

I decided to keep Avery home from school today so I could spend the day with her on her last day as an only child. With a new school, a new house, and soon a new brother, this poor girl has had a lot of changes going on lately. And she has been such a trooper.

We started out the day with a nice breakfast while we watched Cinderella. She tucked her babies in for a nap, and then we put on our jackets to go outside and sweep the leaves and water the plants. Avery loves to be outside and enjoys "helping" with these activities. 

I got a kick out of her trying to zip my (non-maternity) sweatshirt over my huge bump. She was not successful!

At noon I took her to my nail salon so we could both get mani/pedis. This was her first real experience at a salon, and she did awesome! We were there for over an hour and the staff kept commenting on what a good girl she was. She sat perfectly still while they painted her fingers and toes, and even sat patiently in front of the fan while the polish dried. I think she is cut out for a life of pampering!

I love having a little girly girl. I guess tomorrow I will find out what it's like to have a little boy too.

Next stop, hospital!

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