Monday, November 26, 2012

Before and After Sneak Peek

We are nowhere near the end of our construction, but I just had to share a sneak peek of Avery's room. I still have about 50% of her stuff to unpack, but we have made good progress and last night was our first night sleeping in our bedrooms instead of downstairs in the family room and dining room.  


AFTER: (Removed carpet, baseboards, blinds, then scraped ceilings, textured ceilings and walls, primed and painted walls, new tile floors, new furniture)

We still have to do window coverings, baseboards, trim, light switches, outlets, closet doors, and wall art, but it's not hard to see her excitement!

Our new neighbors are very sweet and they love Avery.  They said they weren't sure if they were going to put up their Christmas lights this year. Josh told them that we wouldn't be hanging up Christmas lights on our house this year either, so they changed their minds and decided to put up all their lights and decorations, just for Avery. Luckily she has a view of their house right out her window. They lit it up for the first time last night so it was a perfect way to celebrate sleeping in her bedroom for the first time.

And Camden decided to celebrate by sleeping for 7 1/2 straight hours last night. 
Things are looking up!

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