Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Time Warp

Life with two kids is completely nuts. The weeks are zooming by and I can't seem to keep up with blogging, nor can I keep up with showering, dishes, laundry, or anything else. In the meantime, we have already sailed past Camden's first month, his first doctor's appointment and his first smile. 

So in the interest of time since I don't seem to have any these days, I will just post some pictures from the past several weeks as fast as I can with minimal captions while I bounce him in his baby seat with my foot. 

I feel I was very brave to take us all to a family photo shoot when he was only 8 days old...  but we did it!

(Believe it or not this one was taken with the photographer's iPhone. Not bad!):

Then just two days later we did ANOTHER photo shoot when he was only 10 days old! This time, at our house. Here he is in his (still unfinished and furniture-less) bedroom:

Avery sharing her toys with him:


Josh being "pregnant" with Avery (she loves this game, it makes her hysterical):

Happy smiles!

We are STILL camping downstairs and have not gotten moved up to our bedrooms yet. Amongst many construction setbacks, we are just exhausted and don't seem to have enough hours in the day! But I am hoping in the next few weeks I will be able to post some before and after pictures of the house. We're just not there yet. But it's coming... Stay tuned and Happy Thanksgiving from the Ness family!

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