Monday, January 21, 2013

Back to the Grind

I'm sure it's obvious by my silence that I have returned to work. 
Having two little ones and working full time is pretty much just insane. 

Here is Camden on January 7, his first day at Lizzy's house (in Avery's old bouncy seat):

And again last week:

Such a happy boy! 

On Friday we ventured out after work for dinner at my grandparents' house. One of my little monsters was happy and smiley, and the other one had a major attitude and would not eat spaghetti.

Over the weekend we had some warm weather so we caught up on cleaning, both inside and outside. We have been looking at this ever-growing junk pile for a few months now...

So Mr. Dumpster came to our house for a visit...

After Josh cleared the junk pile, he also removed a doghouse, a wood pile, old potted plants, an old crib and rolls of carpet from the garage rafters, and mountains of leaves and branches that Avery and I swept up on Saturday afternoon. 

We have some fruit trees on the side of the house that had started to produce fruit over the last couple of months. With Mr. Dumpster being full and the side yard being clear, we were finally able to access the trees.  Avery really enjoyed picking lemons and oranges  from the trees (although she didn't want to taste them, she just wanted to carry them).

I worked today and Camden went to Lizzy's, but Josh and Avery both had the day off so they enjoyed a fun daddy-daughter day.  Josh sent me text updates throughout the morning.  First they went to the airport to watch the planes land...

And to the park, where Avery noted, "This is fun, 'cause this is amazing!"

Then out for pizza with Gammy before heading home for naptime. Lucky girl!

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