Monday, February 4, 2013

Tiny Milestones

Camden finally slept in his own room this week! It was a small milestone, but I think all of us are sleeping just a tiny bit better now. He was doing really well in December and starting to sleep 6, 7, even 8 hours in a row at night! Then he caught a cold the day after Christmas and with all the sinus congestion and fever, he regressed to the rocky sleep schedule of a newborn, right around the time I was returning to work. Not fun. We have moved forward again and he is now only getting up once or twice per night. I am hoping soon that he will be back up to 7 or 8 hours in a row. 
Avery was a MUCH better sleeper at his age!

We also finally got a dining room table (still using our old plastic chairs for the time being until we decide what chairs we are going to get) but it is so nice to be able to have people over without standing around awkwardly in the kitchen. And so nice to be able to sit down and have dinner together as a family in one place instead of spread out all over the living room or hunched over the counter.

We still have so much to do in the house that it feels overwhelming, but I am trying to enjoy each baby step as it comes.

Camden, before and after he heard the camera shutter click:

Superbowl Sunday:

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