Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day Party

I will admit that I'm very sad to be a grownup today. Avery is having her first Valentine's Day party today, and yesterday I prepared all the valentines and goodies for her to take to her class. It really made me miss decorating a paper bag to tape to the side of my desk, and coming home from school with the bag full of cards and treats.  I kinda want to hang one on my office door and see if I can collect a few pieces of candy by the end of the day. But with my luck my coworkers would probably think it was for trash.

This morning I managed to coax Avery into her heart dress (didn't have much control over the rest of the outfit but I choose my battles carefully these days). When I asked her if I could braid her hair, she said "NO."  
Me: "What do you want in your hair?"
Avery: "Nothing."
Me: "You don't want a braid?"
Avery: "No."
Me: "How about a beautiful Rapunzel braid?"
Avery: "YEAHHHHHHHHHH! Rapunzel braid!"


At least there is ONE person left in my house who can't argue with me... YET!

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