Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Yes, we've been off the radar for a while... But with good reason! We have been incredibly busy with family events and construction projects... Primarily, turning this:

Into this:

It's been a lot of work, and still not completely done, but we are very happy and proud of the result and the work that we have put in, and EXTREMELY happy that Avery now has a bathtub to play in instead of sitting in our shower!

When we moved in, this bathroom was covered in 1980's floral wallpaper. Upon removal of the wallpaper, we discovered that the entire bathroom was engulfed in mold. It was so bad in some places that the wall was soft and disintegrated.  I don't mess around with mold, especially since this bathroom is next to Avery's and Camden's room. So all the drywall had to be replaced before we could really even get started.  
But definitely worth the peace of mind.

Meanwhile, amidst the noise and dust, life goes on! 
Here are some more pictures from the past month or so...

Camden is such a big boy now... He is eating a wide variety of "solid" foods (i.e. Gerber fruits and veggies) and can sit up without support and clap on command. He is the sweetest, smiliest little guy. Everywhere we go, people comment on how happy he is. He is curious and social and will whip his head around if he hears a voice, even if it's just the TV. He loves to see what is going on!

Miss Avery went in for her first dental check up on May 2. 
She has all 20 of her baby teeth and they are all healthy and cavity-free!

Avery went to her first Angels game was when she was 4 months old. It was a complete nightmare and I left with her after 2 innings. We decided not to ever do that again until she was much older. I'm glad we waited, because it was a big deal for her and she was really amped about going this time. Since then she has also taken an interest in batting, and her new favorite thing is having someone pitch the ball to her.  She is actually getting good at hitting!  She says when she grows up she will get to hit the ball at the Angels game. 

She was also excited about the fact that I let her eat unlimited crackers and M&M's at the game.

Not so excited, though, about the screaming and fireworks when the Angels hit a home run.

"I'm having a picnic with brother."

Sprinkler time at Gammy's house with cousin James:

Avery and Gammy in their matching aprons:

Avery's first attempt at writing her whole name. She got bored when we got to the "R" so she went a little haywire, and I had to refocus her attention to get her to make the "Y."  
We'll get there.

Very proud of her new Angels jersey. 

Walking in Venice Beach with her new friend Alexis. She wore her Angels jersey that day too, and accessorized with pink sandals and a turquoise jacket. Luckily, you can wear just about anything in Venice Beach without standing out!

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