Thursday, June 27, 2013

Water Day

Camden is getting so big, so quickly. He is very mobile and has earned himself the nickname "Scooter." When I put him down on the carpet for playtime, he is very quick to make his way over to the tile so that he can bang toys against it and make a racket.  He loves rattles, drawers, pianos, pots and pans... pretty much anything that makes noise. 

We bought a cheap solar blanket for the swimming pool, hoping that it would come up a few degrees so that Avery could enjoy the water without her lips turning blue after 10 minutes.  It ended up working a little TOO well, and this past weekend it was already up to 93 degrees!

So without fear of the little ones getting too cold, Camden got to have his first pool day.

He went so crazy with the splashing that he ended up choking a few times because he had splashed so much water into his own face.

Later that evening, we graduated him from his baby tub in the kitchen sink to the real bathtub with big sister.  He is a good sitter, but I put him in a bucket for some extra support. It really didn't matter, because he was SO excited and splashed SO vigorously that within seconds the walls, the floor and I were soaked, and Hurricane Camden had capsized the bucket. 

I took the bucket out of the tub, and held on to his slippery little body while Josh came in and washed him. By the end of five minutes, Josh and I were drenched and the bathroom required some serious mopping. Josh called it "One of your worst ideas ever."

Back to the sink.

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