Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Back to School Night

Avery had her final "Back to School Night" of preschool last night... She insisted on wearing her princess dress, which is one of those battles I just didn't care about winning.

You might be surprised to know that the shy little clinger I drop off in the mornings is quite the social butterfly once I am out of sight. Avery has an entourage of kids that follow her around. Some are in her own class, and some are in the younger classes.

Here's an example:

Avery was also very proud to be the Star of the Week this week, so her poster was on display for Back to School Night, which she was beaming about. We worked very very hard on that poster. [And by "we" I obviously mean "I." She answered the questions and I did the rest].

Avery is also the line leader this week...

And brought home her very first homework packet this week! She will have weekly homework from now on, which I think pretty much means that Josh and I will be assisting with homework every night for the next 20 years. Sigh.

And Camden can't wait to start preschool, so he can spend more with this vacuum that he likes to get his hands on every morning while I am signing Avery in.

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