Monday, September 29, 2014


Over the weekend we took the kids to the Holy Family Fiesta to visit my grandpa (who was working in the BBQ booth) and to let the kids go on rides, play games, etc.

We made the mistake of telling them that they could go on the train ride, the carousel, the ferris wheel, and a car ride before realizing that the rides were OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive, and Camden did not meet the height requirement for most of the rides.

So after the two of them took one train ride, and Avery took one carousel ride while Josh distracted Camden, we were out of cash and had to try to explain to them through their wails that we had no more money and would have to come back tomorrow.

Soooo... The next day they were very anxious to get back, mainly to the train ride...

But the waterworks kicked on again when Camden had to face the reality that at some point the ride stops and it is time for other kids to have a turn. 

Camden was too small for the bee ride, so Avery rode with cousin James...

At the end of the day we went to watch the bands, and Camden took the opportunity to creepily stare people down on the dance floor.

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