Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sienna's Party

We had yet another birthday party today, this time at BounceU, where Avery had her birthday party last year.  Avery was beyond excited, and could barely contain herself all afternoon in anticipation of "jumpers!"

And I have to say, I did a lot better today. All the kids were Avery's age, there were lots of girls and no violence, we were in a contained indoor environment with two staff supervisors and hand sanitizer dispensers mounted on the walls, and all the parents present were actively involved with their kids.  And I didn't see any snot.

Oh, and Josh was there to calm my crazy.

Avery was such a good girl. She made new friends, and listened patiently while the supervisors explained the rules.

I asked Josh to stay with her on the big slide (it's even scary for adults, me included!)
But after a couple trips down, Avery ditched him and started going by herself.

The twins on the left in the photo above are the stars of the FOX TV show "Raising Hope."  And the birthday girl Sienna (wearing the Minnie Mouse ears next to Avery) was in "Desperate Housewives."  Maybe I should title this one "Avery hanging with celebs" (Ha ha)...

And yes, she touched the ears... But ate this cupcake with a fork.

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