Sunday, May 6, 2012

Apple's Youngest Fan

First, a couple random pictures...

Excitement over the new princess romper and sandals from Gammy:

Storytime with Gammy and the babies:

And Avery's pouting becoming contagious at dance class:


In the two short weeks that we have had an iPad and iPhones, Avery has become a master.  Actually she was a master of the iPad after about one day.

We have downloaded multiple games/apps for her to use. She knows how to navigate out of a game, go back to the menu, and select another game. She also knows how to unlock the screen, and put in the four digit passcode on the iPad, and she knows that if she opens any other apps besides the ones she is allowed to use, that the device gets taken away.  So she has gotten very good about staying out of my calendar and contacts.

Earlier this week I discovered that if she is playing a game and gets to a point in the game she doesn't like (or that is too challenging for her), she just goes out to the menu and starts the game over again to avoid doing the part she doesn't want to do.
I was shocked, because I did NOT teach her how to do that!

Here is something else I did NOT teach her:

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