Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day at Crystal Cove. It was a little on the cool and breezy side, but pretty and relaxing.  Well, for most of us anyway...

Avery was so excited about bringing her bucket and shovels to the beach and "digging for treasure," that she completely forgot how much she hates being dirty. The second her feet touched the sand, her joy turned to horror and she stood there paralyzed, asking for someone to carry her.  She spent the entire afternoon glued to her towel like it was an island in the middle of shark-infested waters, fenced with electrical barbed wire. She didn't even attempt to get up or set one single toe into the sand, despite our encouragement.  Josh noted that Avery is "too neurotic to take to the beach."

Eventually we got her to lean off of the towel to use her shovels, but if any amount of sand got on her hands, I was immediately alerted with a "Mommy! You clean me?"

Somewhere around the 2 hour mark, Josh took her down to the water. Apparently excitement of water trumps fear of sand, so she temporarily forgot about being "dirty" and enjoyed her toes in the surf.


The rest of us were distracted by a baby Elephant Seal that was in the process of beaching itself about 20 yards away from us.

My mom immediately went to talk to the lifeguard. He informed her that it was "probably dying" and that many seals have been beaching themselves and dying on the beach. (Just what she wanted to hear, and on Mother's Day no less).  Since the rescue centers are full to capacity right now, he didn't see any sense in calling a wildlife rescue team.  Luckily, my mom kept pushing to have someone at least come out and give the poor thing an assessment. 

After what seemed like ages, the Pacific Marine Mammal Center rescue team showed up.

 And yesterday they posted "Mama's Boy" on their inpatient list (which you can see by clicking this link. He is at the bottom):

Looks like he is going to be okay after all!

Once the very sad seal was out of sight, we turned our attention towards Uncle Braedon, who was being covered in goldfish crackers by Uncle Aaron in order to lure the seagulls to attack him and make for a hilarious photo op. 

Unfortunately it never quite happened as we had hoped, but it was funny anyway...

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