Saturday, May 12, 2012

Big Girl Bed

The milestones seem to keep passing so quickly...
Avery now has a big girl bed!

Our adventure started earlier this week. 
I had ordered the bed online, and when the box arrived at my office, it was huge! Not only about 8 feet long, but 117 pounds. My plan to bring it home in Josh's car was not going to work, so I had to borrow a work truck. The truck doesn't look huge from the outside, but when you're used to navigating a little Corolla, driving the Ford F-250 Super Duty with a rack feels like maneuvering a big rig. I found the experience to be more than a little terrifying, but Avery the truck-lover was ecstatic!  She told me on the way home that she wanted to do construction. I asked her what she wanted to build,
and she said, "Ummm.... a big girl bed!"
Good answer.

Being that I'm pregnant, had a toddler in tow, was in a "No parking" zone and Josh was at school when I arrived home, I was pretty proud of myself for quickly unloading the entire bed in front of the garage, piece by piece without any damage, and reparking the truck out on the curb.  When Josh got home, he was surprised that I had also managed to get all the parts of the bed upstairs. 

Later in the week he picked up the mattress, so this morning we were ready for assembly.  It was a little weird to think that last night was going to be Avery's last night ever in a crib. I will miss coming into her room in the morning and finding her sitting quietly in the middle of it, or holding onto the side and anxiously awaiting our entrance (which always makes her jump up and down).

Before we disassembled the crib and packed away her "baby room" forever, there was just one more thing I had to do:

And... Voila!  Our baby is officially a "big girl."

I have been so fearful of this change, as she has been such a perfect sleeper and I have been worrying and anticipating that taking away the security of her crib would completely disrupt her sleep schedule.  I have heard "horror stories" from other parents about all the crazy tricks they had to pull to get their toddler to stay in bed.

Presently, my little angel is sound asleep, taking her very first nap in the bed, without so much as a peep. Don't know what I was so worried about!

Next stop.... Potty training!

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