Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Camden's Nursery Sneak Peek

So again, not totally finished... But had to share the progress!

(Sorry I don't have a before picture from the same angle, but yes it's the same room!)


I had ordered the Beatles decal online several months back. There were many decals to choose from, but I chose the Abbey Road decal just because I liked the simplicity and familiarity of the silhouettes and I thought it would look good on the turquoise. Later that day, just for fun I googled "Beatles Camden" just to see if there was any connection. And up popped this:

Abbey Road is a thoroughfare located in the borough of Camden and the City of Westminster in London, running roughly northwest to southeast through St. John's Wood, near Lord's Cricket Ground. It is part of the B507. This road is best known for the Abbey Road Studios and the 1969 album, Abbey Road, by The Beatles.

I completely freaked out because I had no idea... But I love the coincidence!

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