Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun in the Fridge

Miss Avery is not feeling well this week, she has a little runny nose so we've been trying to keep things low-key until she gets better.  This is only the second time in her life she has been sick.  I was not sick the whole time I was pregnant with her, and since she has been born, this is only the second cold she's gotten. The first cold only lasted 2 days, and she has never had a fever (knock on wood).  Pretty good track record!
Here are a few pictures from earlier in the week. Her new favorite place to T-Rex is the refrigerator.  In fact, she will stay so occupied just touching (and trying to pull out) all the bottles in the door that Josh and I will eat dinner standing in the kitchen while she keeps busy in the fridge. It is one of the few opportunities that we have to eat together!

Update: It appears that Avery takes after her Auntie Brandi on this activity!

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