Friday, September 24, 2010

I Stand Corrected

Today when I got to Lizzy's house to pick up Avery for her appointment at the hospital, I told Lizzy that Avery said "Mama" over and over yesterday, and we're pretty sure it was an actual word.  I also mentioned that she is saying what sounds like "Uh-oh" a lot.  Lizzy said, "Oh yeah, she says 'uh-oh,' and she also says 'Ojo'" (Pronounced "O-ho," meaning "eye" in Spanish).  So apparently the kid knows at least three words already, and is bilingual. I am way behind.
Sure enough, when we were in the waiting area at the hospital, Avery dropped her teething ring and her bottle over and over and over again, so that she could say "uh-oh," and hear me say "uh-oh." The woman at the desk even remarked that it was so cute how she just loves to say "uh-oh!"  I explained that it is one of three words that she knows. The lady said, "What are the other words? Baba?" I said "No, she says 'mama' and her babysitter taught her 'ojo,' which is 'eye' in Spanish."  Just then, Avery blurted out "Baba!" And the woman said, "Oh, she does know 'baba'!"  Boy, did I feel like an idiot.

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