Thursday, September 23, 2010


Tonight Josh and I were out looking at a house for sale, and at one point out of the blue, Avery said, "Mama," plain and clear. This is not the first time she has said "Mama," although usually it sounds more like "Mamamama" and we just consider it to be her usual baby babbles. Tonight when she said it, it was a very precise two syllables only. we said, "Good Avery! MAMA. MAMA." And then we carried on with our evening, not making much of it.  A couple hours later when we got home, I was playing with her in the living room, and again she said "Mama." So I said it back to her. And then she said it back to me. And so it went, and each time she limited the word to only two syllables. So I guess maybe this time it counts as a "first word"?

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