Sunday, October 31, 2010

Avery's First Halloween

For her first Halloween, Avery went as a tempermental, teething giraffe.

While she was napping, I had set up this little backdrop to get some pictures before we left the house.  Tyson volunteered to be my test subject.

Then of course the princess took the throne:

 We first made a stop at Lizzy's house to show off Avery's costume. Lizzy had on a white wig and lots of eyeshadow, and even after she took the wig off, Avery still wouldn't go near her! I think it's the first time that Avery chose me holding her over Lizzy. 
Lizzy is the favorite, and I'm usually her second choice,
with Daddy coming in a close third at the moment.

We then spent the evening at my Aunt Julie & Shannon's house in Orange. Their neighborhood goes all-out with the decorations, haunted houses, lights and graveyards.  Julie & Shannon usually get well over 100 trick-or-treaters each year. Of course Grandma had to stop over too to see Avery's costume.  (She was still in a "mood" so required tickling in order to get a good smile for the picture!)

Then we decided to take Avery trick-or-treating to just a few houses since she can walk while holding someone's hand.  Here are a few shots of the obligatory first Halloween trick-or-treating excursion, and the reason my back is so incredibly sore!

Being that she was one of the smallest and most unsteady on her feet, she drew a lot of attention despite the fact that there were dozens of kids filling the streets.  
Strangers were even taking pictures of her.  We eventually stopped at one house where the lady said, "Oh, aren't you cute. Well, you're a little small, so this is probably more for mom and dad," as she put the candy in Avery's bucket.  I felt like we had been called out at that point, so the charade was over!

So we went back into Julie & Shannon's house, where Avery made herself comfortable on Ken's shoulder. She doesn't see him all that often, so I guess she just really took a liking to him tonight. She kept climbing on him and reaching for him, and wanted to give him more hugs when we were saying goodbye.  So sweet!

Last but not least, I was determined to get a picture of the "My First Halloween" bib.
This was the point at which I finally got an opportunity:

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