Friday, October 15, 2010

I Heart Kitties

My mom got Avery this cute outfit a couple weeks ago:

What is so funny about it is that Avery DOES "heart" the kitties, but the kitties do not "heart" her!
When Avery was much smaller and could not chase after the kitties yet, Piper was a little more willing to be friends with her, or to share a lap with her.
But after having their fur yanked out one too many times, 
both cats have concluded it is better to hang out in places that are out of Avery's reach.

When I was pregnant, many people asked me if we were going to get rid of our cats when the baby came. Of course I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing, but I guess there are a lot of old wives' tales about cats climbing into the crib to suffocate the baby, or biting/licking the baby's face to get some milk.  These tale-tellers should know that the only time the cats are within 10 feet of the crib is when the baby is nowhere near it! 

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