Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Moment Has Arrived...

Miss Avery took her first 2 steps last night! Ever since she was born I have been so worried that she would take her first steps at Lizzy's house and I would miss it.  In fact, I had even considered telling Lizzy not to tell me if it happened at her house so I could just believe that I saw it first.   So I was pretty excited last night when I was walking her along in the kitchen, and then let go, and she took 2 steps without my help before plopping onto the floor.  (I confirmed with Lizzy that these were, in fact, her first real steps). 
My mom was here and got to see it, but unfortunately Josh was at school and missed it.  Avery hasn't walked for him yet, but I know there are many repeat performances just around the corner.
Wearing the hat that Lizzy made her (and making a hilarious face):

Removing the hat that Lizzy made her:

Eating Graham Crackers (her favorite food) with Daddy:

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