Monday, October 4, 2010

Lemons & Giggles

Yesterday we attended a reception to welcome the newest member of our family, Sophia.  Sophia is my cousin's daughter, so according to this chart on wikipedia, that makes Sophia and Avery second cousins.  We were very excited to meet her and I was hoping to get some cute pictures of the little girls together, but we were off to a rough start...  I put an adorable ponytail and bow in Avery's hair and a new pair of boots on her, and she was determined that she was not going to wear either.  She has figured out how to rip out ponytail holders and bows, so my efforts were futile and resulted in my flattening her hair back down with a napkin and a cup of water. It was then even more difficult to snap the perfect shot because Avery was trying to be a thief and steal Sophia's jewels and headband. 
We will see Sophia again before she flies home, so I will try one more time for my perfect picture before they leave. 
Later in the afternoon we decided to try for a funny picture of Avery tasting a lemon for the first time. I sampled it first to see how tart or sweet it was (VERY tart), and then we gave Avery a taste... But the joke was on us because she never made a face! She kept going back for more, and chewing and sucking on it to get more flavor out! So.... apparently raspberries, strawberries and bananas make her gag and vomit, but lemons are delicious.

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Josh is at school this evening, so I am on my own with Avery. Avery considers Josh to be the funniest comedian in the universe, so typically I can't get her into hysterical fits of laughter the way that he can.  Tonight, however, I tried out one of his "jokes" (saying, "Eewwww, gross!" right in her face), and she had a gigglefest.

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