Friday, December 10, 2010

Avery Turns One!

Ok so I meant to post this on her ACTUAL birthday (December 8),
but it has been a crazy week so I'm just now getting to it. 
But Avery turned one on Wednesday. 
It's hard to believe a whole year has flown by! 
I had a request to post this animation on the blog so I saved it for the birthday post.
I thought it would be a fun look back at a year that did NOT fly by so quickly!

Special thanks to my brother Aaron for putting this together for me.
(If 1 doesn't work, try 2.  Either way, give it a chance to load completely,
and it will be faster the second time through. 
They are slightly different; I like the second one the best).

Happy Belated Birthday to our special Princess, who walked ALL the way across the living room this morning all by herself!

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