Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning Continued...

So after Avery played with Santa's gifts at our house, she and I both took naps and then we all headed over to Grandma Mel's house for our traditional Christmas morning. Only this year it wasn't so traditional... My brother Aaron (or Uncle Aaron as he is now called) had the stomach flu, so he had to stay home. Since it wasn't the same without him, we decided to just hang out all day, not open gifts and have a Christmas "do-over" next weekend. 
We Skyped with Aaron for a short while, and then had some breakfast, let Avery open a few gifts, and then just hung out the rest of the day.  It was actually quite nice and relaxing. (Well, as relaxing as it can be chasing a 1-year old around).

Part way through the afternoon, things took a turn.  I was sitting on the floor next to the glass coffee table, and Avery was playing with some wrapping paper in front of me. So close, in fact, that she was practically in my lap. All of a sudden she slipped and fell face first toward the table.  My motherly instincts kicked in in the millisecond that she slipped, and I shot my hands forward and caught her head just before she hit the floor. I was so impressed with my reflexes that I couldn't understand why she burst into tears... Until my mom pointed out that I had protected her from hitting the floor, but I had not prevented her from smacking her head on the edge of the table on the way down.  She had an instant bruise in the middle of her forehead, which was already starting to swell into a giant goose egg.  I felt awful!  We could not seem to calm her, and ice was making her more upset. So I rushed to make a bottle, my mom got the stroller prepared to take her for a walk in the cool air, and Josh raced off to CVS for some infant ibuprofen. 
After a soothing walk and a long nap, she seemed to perk up a little. 

But the nasty bruise is lingering....

She seems to be doing better today, despite the bruise. In fact, she ran her head FOUR times this evening into the side of the dining room table, and it didn't seem to bother her any more than normal. Good thing kids are resilient!

We were back over at my mom's this evening...Had to include this picture of Avery poking at Miles, the crankiest cat in the world!
He growls and snarls at her, and it just makes her giggle and say "Kitty!" 
(Luckily Miles is declawed, so he does no harm).

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