Monday, December 13, 2010

Party Time

On Friday, the day before her first birthday party, Avery decided she wanted to walk.  In the morning I posted to the blog that we had seen her walk across the living room. Well then she went down for a nap and I went out shopping with Josh's mom (Sheila).  When we returned, Avery walked around the corner to greet us and Josh said she had been walking the entire time we were gone!  Here are a couple videos of her walking (one with her new shopping cart, and one on her own), her cake smash (which she didn't really enjoy), and a few pictures from her first birthday party.

In the jumper with Dad and Mom:

(The paparazzi have to stay behind the fence):

Hugs for Lizzy!

Piano Time with Uncle Aaron:

Avery's Great Grandpa and 2 Grandmas staying young in the jumper!

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