Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Crown

There is a story my dad likes to tell about my first birthday (pictured above). My parents had a little gold crown for me to wear that day, but I didn't want to keep it on.  Finally my dad put the crown on my head, and showed me my reflection. When I saw the girl wearing the crown in the mirror, then I realized it was me.  I also realized that the crown looked pretty, and made no further attempts to take it off. 

Well, as they say, history repeats itself. I am finding out more and more that when you become a parent, things your own parents used to say suddenly start making sense.


Like most one-year-olds, Avery is going through a rather independent stage, and likes to pull off hats, crowns, bows, socks, shoes, etc...

Tonight we were playing in her room and I kept putting different hats on her head. She didn't want to wear any of them, and would immediately pull them off.
That is, until she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.

And she finally saw herself.

And I saw me.

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