Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sheila's Visit Part 1

Grandma Sheila arrived on Monday evening... Unfortunately her plane was delayed so Avery was already asleep when she arrived.  But on Tuesday the two of them enjoyed a fun day at home together making peanut butter cookies.

On Wednesday night, Grandma Mel paid her usual visit and the two doting Grandmas gave Avery a bath together.

Today we trekked to Long Beach for Avery's first visit to the Aquarium.

Avery's favorite part was just splashing in the water.  She loved it so much that she was getting soaked and we had to take her shirt off.
A nice Aquarium employee brought a small shark up to the surface for her to touch, and she pet the shark and let out a happy shriek!

Stay tuned for more pictures tomorrow,
when we take Avery on her first trip to the zoo!

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