Sunday, May 1, 2011

What a Week...

So after Avery's pink eye was cleared up, I got the flu, and then gave Josh the flu for his birthday.  Fortunately he recovered somewhat quickly, but as my fever went up and my ability to function went down, I knew by Monday morning that something was very wrong with me. So at 9:00 am I got in the car to drive to the doctor's office without even making an appointment first. I figured if they couldn't take me, I would just go straight to the hospital.  Turns out I have pneumonia, and after a turbulent week and a lot of antibiotics, I am finally starting to feel like myself again, although I know I still have a long way to go.  I keep thanking my lucky stars that Avery did not catch our flu and was able to go to daycare, otherwise I would have had to keep her at home with me and take care of her, and I could barely take care of myself. I don't know what I would have done. 

And although she narrowly escaped the flu, she wound up with a horrible looking patch of blisters on her ankle and wound up at the doctor's office on Wednesday anyway. Like I said, what a week it has been!

So today since we were all able to function somewhat normally, we got out of the house and went over to my mom's to hang out in the yard and enjoy some fresh air with "the uncles" (or as Avery calls them, "Guh-guh"). 
Turns out it was just what the doctor ordered.

Later Josh gave Avery a taste of popsicle. I don't think he realized she was going to like it as much as she did, and he created a monster! She wouldn't leave him alone after that.

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