Saturday, May 14, 2011

Whale Tale

This morning we took Avery on her first whale watch. We departed at 9:00 am from the Harborside in Newport Beach, where Josh and I got married.

We did see a few whales, although boats are required to stay 100 yards away from the whales, so our vantage point wasn't too close. But we also saw hundreds and hundreds of dolphins and a few sea lions, which was very exciting.

(If you look where the guy is pointing in the photo below, you can see the whale's spout on the horizon).

The whale's fluke, and sadly the best whale photo I got today:

Just some of the many dolphins we saw:

And of course the sea lions hanging out on the buoy...

Avery did very well on the boat and did not get seasick like some of the other kids, but of course she was more interested in running around than observing sea creatures.

Back on solid ground, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at BJ's Pizza while she napped in her stroller. We enjoyed the break and then made our way to the shore once she woke up. Avery had never put her feet on the sand or in the ocean, so we thought she might enjoy it even though the water was cold.

We were wrong. She hated it and tried to retract her feet every time we touched them to the water.

She hated the sand too, although eventually she let us put her down away from the water where the sand was drier and warmer. She stumbled a couple times while trying to walk across the uneven surface, and looked horrified at the grains of sand stuck to her palms. So she worked VERY hard to keep her balance after that.

We concluded Avery's adventure with a long, peaceful swing ride at the playground next to the Balboa pier.  

After snapping a couple blurry photos, I muttered, "This frickin' camera won't focus..." The little boy on the swing next to us shouted, "THAT'S A BAD WORD!"
...Is it?  Sigh. I guess I'm busted.  Sorry kid, I don't quite have this whole parenting thing figured out yet. I'm working on it! 

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