Sunday, July 17, 2011

Autumn's 3rd Birthday

Today we attended Autumn's 3d birthday party.  (Autumn is my cousin Patrick's daughter). The party was Little Mermaid themed, and even Ariel came to the party to play games with the "princesses"!

Avery was a little uncertain about the bounce house.
There were some very rowdy boys in there...

Mama Bear had to come in and do a little protecting (and a little reprimanding of the wild boys) after Avery got knocked down a couple of times.

Autumn, the birthday princess:

Ariel entertaining the kids while Avery wanders aimlessly:

Spilling half of a water bottle down the front of her shirt:

Trying to strip in the middle of the party:

Inviting herself into the neighbors' garage to pet their cat:

Autumn, Avery and Audrey with Ariel (wow, lots of "A's")!

Playing in Autumn's room:

Stealing someone's sunglasses:

Aaaaaand exhausted and asleep by 6:30 pm, in broad daylight!

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