Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tanner's Party

My friend Nikki's son Tanner celebrated his sixth birthday today at Bounce U.  His party was at Bounce U last year too, but Avery was only about seven months old, and was asleep in her stroller the whole time next to the generators. This year was a lot more fun for her!

The highlight of her day was when Lizzy and Juan showed up.  It is pretty safe to say that Juan (or "Manuel" as Lizzy and Avery call him), is Avery's favorite person on the planet.

Josh and I essentially become invisible when he is in the room.  She just adores him!  And Lizzy (who is her other favorite person) sometimes becomes invisible too, although she did manage to get a very nice goodbye hug from Avery.

But the highlight of my day was watching Avery try to set a balloon down on the ground.  I guess one year olds don't understand the properties of helium. She couldn't understand why it wouldn't stay down!

On the way home, Avery worked on perfecting her favorite word.

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