Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend

Our weekend continued with more fun on Saturday at my mom's house (pool time for Avery, followed by dinner for my mom's birthday).  Sunday morning we carried out our traditional 4th of July plans at the Orange Park Acres parade, and topped off the afternoon with swimming and BBQing at our friends Joan and Bob's house...

Here's Avery with her little friend Logan on Fourth of July last year...They are almost exactly 1 year apart, so Logan was the same age last year that Avery is this year...

And here they are again today! Time is flying...

In fact, Logan even has a little sister now! Here is Avery posing with 10 1/2 month old Shiloh.

Such a fun weekend. And several people commented today about what a good girl Avery is. She was very well behaved at the parade, smiled and waved, listened well, and took a 2+ hour nap in an unfamiliar place without so much as a peep.  She even went around the room this evening and gave all the adults, kids, and dogs a hug and a kiss goodbye (even though most of them were strangers to her).  So proud of her!

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