Saturday, September 10, 2011

Avery's First Dance Class (Fail)

I was looking so forward to blogging this afternoon.

Earlier this week I got Avery signed up for "Tots and Tutus" dance class, and today at 12:30 was going to be her first session. My mom was going to come with us to take pictures while I was in class with Avery (parent participation is required with the little ones). 
Here is what my day was supposed to look like:

Instead it looked like this (minus the sunshine):

Yep, awake at 6:30 am with a screaming 103-degree toddler, who went immediately into the bathtub for a cool-down before receiving a mega-dose of Tylenol.  Follow that up with 5 hours in the urgent care, more screaming and clinging, and the biggest thunder and hail storm I have ever seen (it was even setting off car alarms -- Where am I???)

Poor Avery underwent a barrage of tests due to the fact that she has a high fever with no other symptoms.  After all that, the doctor concluded that she just has a virus, and sent us home. SIGH.

Well, stay tuned for next week, when I will *hopefully* be writing about Avery's magical first day of dance class.

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