Monday, September 5, 2011

Uncle's House and Ikea

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Uncle Aaron and Becky's house.  They live near the Orange Circle and the Streetfair was going on, but we decided to stay indoors instead since the Streetfair appeared to be packed. It's no place for a stroller anyway.  Avery had a blast playing with Uncle's Hot Wheels cars, talking on Becky's iPhone, and watching Barney and Mickey Mouse YouTube videos on the big TV screen.

Today we trekked to Ikea in search of some dinner plates. As we wandered through the children's section, I started to feel bad for Avery because she was being so well-behaved in the shopping cart, and was just watching all the other kids playing with the toys on the displays.  So I finally let her out of the cart so she could explore the "bedrooms."

There were five bedroom displays, three of them with a tiny archway that led from one to the next.  We stayed in this spot for at least 30 minutes. Who knew Ikea would provide such incredibly fun (and free) entertainment?

Taking off her shoes so she could curl up in the bed:

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